16/12/2021 16:38:10 hector.quintian Special Sessions – CISIS ’22 Title of the Special Session * Chair's Name * Chair's email * Chair's Affiliation * Co-Chair's Names, Emails and Affiliations (Use the following format: Name - Email - Affiliation / Name - Email - Affiliation / ...) Describe the Content of the Session * List of at least 10 International Reviewers (including the charis) from at least three different universities (including the following information: name, family name, email, position, affiliation. Use the following format: Name - Family Name - Email - Position - Affiliation / Name - Family Name - Email - Position - Affiliation / ...) * Description of the Plan to Disseminate the Special Session (CFPs, etc) * [honeypot honeypot-625] [c4wp_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response] Δ